When a community has its own 'Community Labyrinth', I'm impressed. And Sisters, Oregon, a quaint town in the central part of the state, is such a place. So it was an easy call to check out the Sisters Community Labyrinth in the town's East Portal area, which is the public space at the intersection of West Hood Avenue and McKenzie Highway. The area includes parking, picnic tables, and space for a timeout. It was entirely empty when I visited on a recent holiday weekend which is probably rare, but I took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the labyrinth in solitude. The rock paths are interspersed with bushes and plants so the experience is a bit of a nature jaunt. It's a large, sweeping pattern, with a distinctive stone bench in the middle, perfect for reflection. And for those who don't want to walk it or cannot, a raised finger-labyrinth is on a posted sign nearby. I read that the labyrinth is maintained by a volunteer committee. Follow their community events here on their Facebook page.
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